ExpoSKI is an event made for you! Why participate?
It´s an event made for ski Brazilian market, which provides the opportunity to know tourism professionals, strength relations, influence travel sales, inform and educate about the products and services found in snow destinations.
ExpoSKI will promote business meetings next to representatives of Brazilian market of ski, including ski resorts, airlines, tour operators and the best and more important travel consultants of the country that creates products and travel itineraries for Brazilian travelers: you!
Only professionals working on the market may register for the event, and there are two types of registration available:
_ For those who will participate in the Business Round Table and in the workshops.
_ For those who are not going to participate in the Business Round Table but wish to visit the event and participate in the workshops.
Fill in all data correctly. Inaccurate data will invalidate your registration.
Business Round Table meetings are available only to professionals who work in agencies and to tour operators with high sales potential for snow destinations. Meetings are scheduled in advance and last 15 minutes.
(The workshop schedule will be announced here soon)
Visit – Only visitors holding pre-registered credentials for the trade show and exhibitors holding credentials will be allowed to attend ExpoSKI.
Registration at the event location – Not allowed.
Admission – Open to professionals and business visitors, as well as to exhibitors who are involved with or have a direct connection and interest in the snow travel and tourism industry or related industries.
Sharing of data – When registering for the event, visitors will provide their name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address to the exhibitor or sponsor, who will be able to contact them about their products or services.
Credentials – Credential holders should not allow other people to use their credentials. Failure to comply with this rule will subject the credential holder and the person using such credential to removal from the event. Any person who gets a trade show visitor or exhibitor pass through theft, fraud, or any other illegal means may be asked to leave the show.
Identity verification – Anyone attending ExpoSKI must carry a photo ID (passport, driver’s license, ID card) or other identification acceptable to the Organization, which may demand the presentation of said identification.
Activity – No one attending ExpoSKI may conduct any type of campaign, leaflet distribution, or protest.
The event organization reserves the right to veto registrations that it deems inappropriate.
→ We will only accept one registration per Agency | Operator for the business round;
→ The other professional of the same Agency | Operator who wants to register must access registrastion “without” business round;
→ There is no limitation on the number of participants per company, as long as they are all directly involved in travel management within their companies;
→ The objective of ExpoSKI is to connect your interests with businesses, products, and suppliers that meet your needs. Understand the participation rules:
* download the app.
* complete 10 meetings over the two days of the event.
* participate extensively in the event.
→ If you register to participate in the Business Round, scheduling meetings in the app is mandatory;
→ If you register to participate in the Business Round, your attendance is mandatory;
→ We kindly request that all professionals – Suppliers, Buyers and Visitores strictly respect the meeting times;
→ The use of the credential is mandatory;
→ A professional who chose to participate as a Buyer in the Business Round and decides to withdraw must request cancellation from the supplier through the app and also inform the organization via email at [email protected].
Click here to read our privacy policy.
The event is scheduled for September 8th and 9th, 2025, from 9 am to 6 pm at Clube Athletico Paulistano, at Rua Honduras, 1400, Jardim América, São Paulo.
This clause is intended to set the rules for the processing of personal data, which include, for example, the collection, production, receipt, classification, use, access to, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of the information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination, or extraction of data collected from participants, in addition to recording their activities, in accordance with the applicable laws.
We collect data when the parties fill out our registration and participation forms for the event to which they were addressed. The data collected are those available to be filled in when the party registers to participate in the event, which may vary from one event to another.
The event’s organization is not liable for the veracity, untruthfulness or outdated information and data provided by the participant, and it is the participant’s responsibility to provide them with accuracy and to keep them updated. The organization may periodically request that the participant confirm or update the information and data provided.
The data we collect are necessary to enable the preparation and subsequent execution of an agreement regarding participating and the benefits of participating in the event that was organized and which the participant registered for.
We are also authorized to collect photos and/or prints of participations in which personal photos, e-mail addresses, names and/or images may appear, which may be used as registration and divulging material for the event and for future events in the same segment, regardless of further notice or remuneration, something the participant expressly accepts and agrees to.
The data may also be used for participant profile surveys, to direct the organizers’ e-mails on satisfaction with the event and/or to divulge other opportunities organized by the same organizers of the event the data were directed to. It may also be used to protect the organizers with regard to their rights or right of defense, which may occur due to and by virtue of the execution of the agreement entered into (participation in the event).
The use, access to, and sharing of the database formed under this legal notice will be made within the limits and purposes of the activities of the event’s organizer, and may be provided and made available for access and/or consultation by member companies and participants of the same event, in addition to business partners, suppliers, service providers, subcontractors, authorities or third parties in general, provided that the provisions of this legal notice, applicable law, or court order are complied with, something the participant agrees to and accepts.
The organization has trade partners that may offer services linked to the same activity profile of this event and/or industry. The data the participant provides directly to such partners will be the partners’ responsibility, and, as such, they are subject to their own data collection and use practices, without any burden to the organization regarding such data.
The event organizer undertakes to safeguard the participants’ financial and banking secrecy by not sharing this information with companies with which it has not expressly agreed and/or for the effective registration and release of the financial obligations arising from their registration in said event.
The participant is liable for the confidentiality, use, and for all acts involved in the use of Credentials (such as, but not limited to logins, passwords, and/or authentication tokens). If the participant discovers or suspects that a third party has access to their password, he or she must change it directly in the systems or services. A participant sharing Credentials constitutes a breach of this legal notice.
The rights of the Holder of the Personal Data, in this case a participant who registered for the event, will always comply with the rights provided for in the Applicable Law (General Personal Data Protection Law). For contact, the participant must seek the information of the organizer’s person in charge of personal data on its official website; if such information is not found, the participant may make contact via e-mail at the address that is also provided in the same space.
Please be advised that not agreeing with this notice may render your participation in the event unfeasible.
In case of cancellation by the exhibitor, there will be no refund of the amount paid.
When the participant becomes aware of this legal notice, he or she grants his or her free and express agreement with the terms set forth herein.